Source: prepare/limiters/CountLimiter.js


 * CountLimiter limits the number of items handled by a {@link PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare} to a specified
 * number of items per frame.
 * @class
 * @memberof PIXI
export default class CountLimiter
     * @param {number} maxItemsPerFrame - The maximum number of items that can be prepared each frame.
         * The maximum number of items that can be prepared each frame.
         * @private
        this.maxItemsPerFrame = maxItemsPerFrame;
         * The number of items that can be prepared in the current frame.
         * @type {number}
         * @private
        this.itemsLeft = 0;

     * Resets any counting properties to start fresh on a new frame.
        this.itemsLeft = this.maxItemsPerFrame;

     * Checks to see if another item can be uploaded. This should only be called once per item.
     * @return {boolean} If the item is allowed to be uploaded.
        return this.itemsLeft-- > 0;