Class: Shader


new PIXI.glCore.Shader (gl, vertexSrc, fragmentSrc, precision, attributeLocations)

Helper class to create a webGL Shader

Name Type Description
gl WebGLRenderingContext
vertexSrc string | Array.<string>

The vertex shader source as an array of strings.

fragmentSrc string | Array.<string>

The fragment shader source as an array of strings.

precision string

The float precision of the shader. Options are 'lowp', 'mediump' or 'highp'.

attributeLocations object

A key value pair showing which location eact attribute should sit eg {position:0, uvs:1}


attributes Object

The attributes of the shader as an object containing the following properties { type, size, location, pointer }

gl WebGLRenderingContext

The current WebGL rendering context

program WebGLProgram

The shader program

uniforms Object

The uniforms of the shader as an object containing the following properties { gl, data }


bind ()PIXI.glCore.GLShader

Uses this shader

Type Description
PIXI.glCore.GLShader Returns itself.

destroy ()

Destroys this shader TODO