Class: GraphicsData


A GraphicsData object.

new PIXI.GraphicsData (lineWidth, lineColor, lineAlpha, fillColor, fillAlpha, fill, nativeLines, shape, lineAlignment)

Name Type Description
lineWidth number

the width of the line to draw

lineColor number

the color of the line to draw

lineAlpha number

the alpha of the line to draw

fillColor number

the color of the fill

fillAlpha number

the alpha of the fill

fill boolean

whether or not the shape is filled with a colour

nativeLines boolean

the method for drawing lines

shape PIXI.Circle | PIXI.Rectangle | PIXI.Ellipse | PIXI.Polygon

The shape object to draw.

lineAlignment number

the alignment of the line.


fill boolean

whether or not the shape is filled with a colour

fillAlpha number

the alpha of the fill

fillColor number

the color of the fill

lineAlignment number

The alignment of any lines drawn (0.5 = middle, 1 = outter, 0 = inner).

Default Value:
  • 0

lineAlpha number

the alpha of the line to draw

lineColor number

the color of the line to draw

lineWidth number

the width of the line to draw

nativeLines boolean

if true the liens will be draw using LINES instead of TRIANGLE_STRIP

The shape object to draw.

type number

The type of the shape, see the Const.Shapes file for all the existing types,


addHole (shape)

Adds a hole to the shape.

Name Type Description
shape PIXI.Rectangle | PIXI.Circle

The shape of the hole.

Creates a new GraphicsData object with the same values as this one.

Type Description
PIXI.GraphicsData Cloned GraphicsData object

destroy ()

Destroys the Graphics data.