Source: extras/BitmapText.js


import * as core from '../core';
import ObservablePoint from '../core/math/ObservablePoint';
import { getResolutionOfUrl } from '../core/utils';
import settings from '../core/settings';

 * A BitmapText object will create a line or multiple lines of text using bitmap font. To
 * split a line you can use '\n', '\r' or '\r\n' in your string. You can generate the fnt files using:
 * A BitmapText can only be created when the font is loaded
 * ```js
 * // in this case the font is in a file called 'desyrel.fnt'
 * let bitmapText = new PIXI.extras.BitmapText("text using a fancy font!", {font: "35px Desyrel", align: "right"});
 * ```
 * for windows or
 * for mac.
 * @class
 * @extends PIXI.Container
 * @memberof PIXI.extras
export default class BitmapText extends core.Container
     * @param {string} text - The copy that you would like the text to display
     * @param {object} style - The style parameters
     * @param {string|object} style.font - The font descriptor for the object, can be passed as a string of form
     *      "24px FontName" or "FontName" or as an object with explicit name/size properties.
     * @param {string} [] - The bitmap font id
     * @param {number} [style.font.size] - The size of the font in pixels, e.g. 24
     * @param {string} [style.align='left'] - Alignment for multiline text ('left', 'center' or 'right'), does not affect
     *      single line text
     * @param {number} [style.tint=0xFFFFFF] - The tint color
    constructor(text, style = {})

         * Private tracker for the width of the overall text
         * @member {number}
         * @private
        this._textWidth = 0;

         * Private tracker for the height of the overall text
         * @member {number}
         * @private
        this._textHeight = 0;

         * Private tracker for the letter sprite pool.
         * @member {PIXI.Sprite[]}
         * @private
        this._glyphs = [];

         * Private tracker for the current style.
         * @member {object}
         * @private
        this._font = {
            tint: style.tint !== undefined ? style.tint : 0xFFFFFF,
            align: style.align || 'left',
            name: null,
            size: 0,

         * Private tracker for the current font.
         * @member {object}
         * @private
        this.font = style.font; // run font setter

         * Private tracker for the current text.
         * @member {string}
         * @private
        this._text = text;

         * The max width of this bitmap text in pixels. If the text provided is longer than the
         * value provided, line breaks will be automatically inserted in the last whitespace.
         * Disable by setting value to 0
         * @member {number}
         * @private
        this._maxWidth = 0;

         * The max line height. This is useful when trying to use the total height of the Text,
         * ie: when trying to vertically align.
         * @member {number}
         * @private
        this._maxLineHeight = 0;

         * Letter spacing. This is useful for setting the space between characters.
         * @member {number}
         * @private
        this._letterSpacing = 0;

         * Text anchor. read-only
         * @member {PIXI.ObservablePoint}
         * @private
        this._anchor = new ObservablePoint(() => { this.dirty = true; }, this, 0, 0);

         * The dirty state of this object.
         * @member {boolean}
        this.dirty = false;


     * Renders text and updates it when needed
     * @private
        const data = BitmapText.fonts[];
        const scale = this._font.size / data.size;
        const pos = new core.Point();
        const chars = [];
        const lineWidths = [];
        const text = this.text.replace(/(?:\r\n|\r)/g, '\n');
        const textLength = text.length;
        const maxWidth = this._maxWidth * data.size / this._font.size;

        let prevCharCode = null;
        let lastLineWidth = 0;
        let maxLineWidth = 0;
        let line = 0;
        let lastBreakPos = -1;
        let lastBreakWidth = 0;
        let spacesRemoved = 0;
        let maxLineHeight = 0;

        for (let i = 0; i < textLength; i++)
            const charCode = text.charCodeAt(i);
            const char = text.charAt(i);

            if (/(?:\s)/.test(char))
                lastBreakPos = i;
                lastBreakWidth = lastLineWidth;

            if (char === '\r' || char === '\n')
                maxLineWidth = Math.max(maxLineWidth, lastLineWidth);

                pos.x = 0;
                pos.y += data.lineHeight;
                prevCharCode = null;

            const charData = data.chars[charCode];

            if (!charData)

            if (prevCharCode && charData.kerning[prevCharCode])
                pos.x += charData.kerning[prevCharCode];

                texture: charData.texture,
                position: new core.Point(pos.x + charData.xOffset + (this._letterSpacing / 2), pos.y + charData.yOffset),
            pos.x += charData.xAdvance + this._letterSpacing;
            lastLineWidth = pos.x;
            maxLineHeight = Math.max(maxLineHeight, (charData.yOffset + charData.texture.height));
            prevCharCode = charCode;

            if (lastBreakPos !== -1 && maxWidth > 0 && pos.x > maxWidth)
                core.utils.removeItems(chars, 1 + lastBreakPos - spacesRemoved, 1 + i - lastBreakPos);
                i = lastBreakPos;
                lastBreakPos = -1;

                maxLineWidth = Math.max(maxLineWidth, lastBreakWidth);

                pos.x = 0;
                pos.y += data.lineHeight;
                prevCharCode = null;

        const lastChar = text.charAt(text.length - 1);

        if (lastChar !== '\r' && lastChar !== '\n')
            if (/(?:\s)/.test(lastChar))
                lastLineWidth = lastBreakWidth;

            maxLineWidth = Math.max(maxLineWidth, lastLineWidth);

        const lineAlignOffsets = [];

        for (let i = 0; i <= line; i++)
            let alignOffset = 0;

            if (this._font.align === 'right')
                alignOffset = maxLineWidth - lineWidths[i];
            else if (this._font.align === 'center')
                alignOffset = (maxLineWidth - lineWidths[i]) / 2;


        const lenChars = chars.length;
        const tint = this.tint;

        for (let i = 0; i < lenChars; i++)
            let c = this._glyphs[i]; // get the next glyph sprite

            if (c)
                c.texture = chars[i].texture;
                c = new core.Sprite(chars[i].texture);

            c.position.x = (chars[i].position.x + lineAlignOffsets[chars[i].line]) * scale;
            c.position.y = chars[i].position.y * scale;
            c.scale.x = c.scale.y = scale;
            c.tint = tint;

            if (!c.parent)

        // remove unnecessary children.
        for (let i = lenChars; i < this._glyphs.length; ++i)

        this._textWidth = maxLineWidth * scale;
        this._textHeight = (pos.y + data.lineHeight) * scale;

        // apply anchor
        if (this.anchor.x !== 0 || this.anchor.y !== 0)
            for (let i = 0; i < lenChars; i++)
                this._glyphs[i].x -= this._textWidth * this.anchor.x;
                this._glyphs[i].y -= this._textHeight * this.anchor.y;
        this._maxLineHeight = maxLineHeight * scale;

     * Updates the transform of this object
     * @private

     * Validates text before calling parent's getLocalBounds
     * @return {PIXI.Rectangle} The rectangular bounding area

        return super.getLocalBounds();

     * Updates text when needed
     * @private
        if (this.dirty)
            this.dirty = false;

     * The tint of the BitmapText object
     * @member {number}
    get tint()
        return this._font.tint;

    set tint(value) // eslint-disable-line require-jsdoc
        this._font.tint = (typeof value === 'number' && value >= 0) ? value : 0xFFFFFF;

        this.dirty = true;

     * The alignment of the BitmapText object
     * @member {string}
     * @default 'left'
    get align()
        return this._font.align;

    set align(value) // eslint-disable-line require-jsdoc
        this._font.align = value || 'left';

        this.dirty = true;

     * The anchor sets the origin point of the text.
     * The default is 0,0 this means the text's origin is the top left
     * Setting the anchor to 0.5,0.5 means the text's origin is centered
     * Setting the anchor to 1,1 would mean the text's origin point will be the bottom right corner
     * @member {PIXI.Point | number}
    get anchor()
        return this._anchor;

    set anchor(value) // eslint-disable-line require-jsdoc
        if (typeof value === 'number')

     * The font descriptor of the BitmapText object
     * @member {string|object}
    get font()
        return this._font;

    set font(value) // eslint-disable-line require-jsdoc
        if (!value)

        if (typeof value === 'string')
            value = value.split(' ');

   = value.length === 1 ? value[0] : value.slice(1).join(' ');
            this._font.size = value.length >= 2 ? parseInt(value[0], 10) : BitmapText.fonts[].size;
            this._font.size = typeof value.size === 'number' ? value.size : parseInt(value.size, 10);

        this.dirty = true;

     * The text of the BitmapText object
     * @member {string}
    get text()
        return this._text;

    set text(value) // eslint-disable-line require-jsdoc
        value = value.toString() || ' ';
        if (this._text === value)
        this._text = value;
        this.dirty = true;

     * The max width of this bitmap text in pixels. If the text provided is longer than the
     * value provided, line breaks will be automatically inserted in the last whitespace.
     * Disable by setting value to 0
     * @member {number}
    get maxWidth()
        return this._maxWidth;

    set maxWidth(value) // eslint-disable-line require-jsdoc
        if (this._maxWidth === value)
        this._maxWidth = value;
        this.dirty = true;

     * The max line height. This is useful when trying to use the total height of the Text,
     * ie: when trying to vertically align.
     * @member {number}
     * @readonly
    get maxLineHeight()

        return this._maxLineHeight;

     * The width of the overall text, different from fontSize,
     * which is defined in the style object
     * @member {number}
     * @readonly
    get textWidth()

        return this._textWidth;

     * Additional space between characters.
     * @member {number}
    get letterSpacing()
        return this._letterSpacing;

    set letterSpacing(value) // eslint-disable-line require-jsdoc
        if (this._letterSpacing !== value)
            this._letterSpacing = value;
            this.dirty = true;

     * The height of the overall text, different from fontSize,
     * which is defined in the style object
     * @member {number}
     * @readonly
    get textHeight()

        return this._textHeight;

     * Register a bitmap font with data and a texture.
     * @static
     * @param {XMLDocument} xml - The XML document data.
     * @param {Object.<string, PIXI.Texture>|PIXI.Texture|PIXI.Texture[]} textures - List of textures for each page.
     *  If providing an object, the key is the `<page>` element's `file` attribute in the FNT file.
     * @return {Object} Result font object with font, size, lineHeight and char fields.
    static registerFont(xml, textures)
        const data = {};
        const info = xml.getElementsByTagName('info')[0];
        const common = xml.getElementsByTagName('common')[0];
        const pages = xml.getElementsByTagName('page');
        const res = getResolutionOfUrl(pages[0].getAttribute('file'), settings.RESOLUTION);
        const pagesTextures = {};

        data.font = info.getAttribute('face');
        data.size = parseInt(info.getAttribute('size'), 10);
        data.lineHeight = parseInt(common.getAttribute('lineHeight'), 10) / res;
        data.chars = {};

        // Single texture, convert to list
        if (textures instanceof core.Texture)
            textures = [textures];

        // Convert the input Texture, Textures or object
        // into a page Texture lookup by "id"
        for (let i = 0; i < pages.length; i++)
            const id = pages[i].getAttribute('id');
            const file = pages[i].getAttribute('file');

            pagesTextures[id] = textures instanceof Array ? textures[i] : textures[file];

        // parse letters
        const letters = xml.getElementsByTagName('char');

        for (let i = 0; i < letters.length; i++)
            const letter = letters[i];
            const charCode = parseInt(letter.getAttribute('id'), 10);
            const page = letter.getAttribute('page') || 0;
            const textureRect = new core.Rectangle(
                (parseInt(letter.getAttribute('x'), 10) / res) + (pagesTextures[page].frame.x / res),
                (parseInt(letter.getAttribute('y'), 10) / res) + (pagesTextures[page].frame.y / res),
                parseInt(letter.getAttribute('width'), 10) / res,
                parseInt(letter.getAttribute('height'), 10) / res

            data.chars[charCode] = {
                xOffset: parseInt(letter.getAttribute('xoffset'), 10) / res,
                yOffset: parseInt(letter.getAttribute('yoffset'), 10) / res,
                xAdvance: parseInt(letter.getAttribute('xadvance'), 10) / res,
                kerning: {},
                texture: new core.Texture(pagesTextures[page].baseTexture, textureRect),

        // parse kernings
        const kernings = xml.getElementsByTagName('kerning');

        for (let i = 0; i < kernings.length; i++)
            const kerning = kernings[i];
            const first = parseInt(kerning.getAttribute('first'), 10) / res;
            const second = parseInt(kerning.getAttribute('second'), 10) / res;
            const amount = parseInt(kerning.getAttribute('amount'), 10) / res;

            if (data.chars[second])
                data.chars[second].kerning[first] = amount;

        // I'm leaving this as a temporary fix so we can test the bitmap fonts in v3
        // but it's very likely to change
        BitmapText.fonts[data.font] = data;

        return data;

BitmapText.fonts = {};