Source: core/ticker/Ticker.js


import settings from '../settings';
import { UPDATE_PRIORITY } from '../const';
import TickerListener from './TickerListener';
import { requestAnimationFrame, cancelAnimationFrame, performance } from '@ali/pixi-miniprogram-adapter';
 * A Ticker class that runs an update loop that other objects listen to.
 * This class is composed around listeners
 * meant for execution on the next requested animation frame.
 * Animation frames are requested only when necessary,
 * e.g. When the ticker is started and the emitter has listeners.
 * @class
 * @memberof PIXI.ticker
export default class Ticker
         * The first listener. All new listeners added are chained on this.
         * @private
         * @type {TickerListener}
        this._head = new TickerListener(null, null, Infinity);

         * Internal current frame request ID
         * @private
        this._requestId = null;

         * Internal value managed by minFPS property setter and getter.
         * This is the maximum allowed milliseconds between updates.
         * @private
        this._maxElapsedMS = 100;

         * Whether or not this ticker should invoke the method
         * {@link PIXI.ticker.Ticker#start} automatically
         * when a listener is added.
         * @member {boolean}
         * @default false
        this.autoStart = false;

         * Scalar time value from last frame to this frame.
         * This value is capped by setting {@link PIXI.ticker.Ticker#minFPS}
         * and is scaled with {@link PIXI.ticker.Ticker#speed}.
         * **Note:** The cap may be exceeded by scaling.
         * @member {number}
         * @default 1
        this.deltaTime = 1;

         * Time elapsed in milliseconds from last frame to this frame.
         * Opposed to what the scalar {@link PIXI.ticker.Ticker#deltaTime}
         * is based, this value is neither capped nor scaled.
         * If the platform supports DOMHighResTimeStamp,
         * this value will have a precision of 1 µs.
         * Defaults to target frame time
         * @member {number}
         * @default 16.66
        this.elapsedMS = 1 / settings.TARGET_FPMS;

         * The last time {@link PIXI.ticker.Ticker#update} was invoked.
         * This value is also reset internally outside of invoking
         * update, but only when a new animation frame is requested.
         * If the platform supports DOMHighResTimeStamp,
         * this value will have a precision of 1 µs.
         * @member {number}
         * @default -1
        this.lastTime = -1;

         * Factor of current {@link PIXI.ticker.Ticker#deltaTime}.
         * @example
         * // Scales ticker.deltaTime to what would be
         * // the equivalent of approximately 120 FPS
         * ticker.speed = 2;
         * @member {number}
         * @default 1
        this.speed = 1;

         * Whether or not this ticker has been started.
         * `true` if {@link PIXI.ticker.Ticker#start} has been called.
         * `false` if {@link PIXI.ticker.Ticker#stop} has been called.
         * While `false`, this value may change to `true` in the
         * event of {@link PIXI.ticker.Ticker#autoStart} being `true`
         * and a listener is added.
         * @member {boolean}
         * @default false
        this.started = false;

         * Internal tick method bound to ticker instance.
         * This is because in early 2015, Function.bind
         * is still 60% slower in high performance scenarios.
         * Also separating frame requests from update method
         * so listeners may be called at any time and with
         * any animation API, just invoke ticker.update(time).
         * @private
         * @param {number} time - Time since last tick.
        this._tick = (time) =>
            this._requestId = null;

            if (this.started)
                // Invoke listeners now
                // Listener side effects may have modified ticker state.
                if (this.started && this._requestId === null &&
                    this._requestId = requestAnimationFrame(this._tick);

     * Conditionally requests a new animation frame.
     * If a frame has not already been requested, and if the internal
     * emitter has listeners, a new frame is requested.
     * @private
        if (this._requestId === null &&
            // ensure callbacks get correct delta
            this.lastTime =;
            this._requestId = requestAnimationFrame(this._tick);

     * Conditionally cancels a pending animation frame.
     * @private
        if (this._requestId !== null)
            this._requestId = null;

     * Conditionally requests a new animation frame.
     * If the ticker has been started it checks if a frame has not already
     * been requested, and if the internal emitter has listeners. If these
     * conditions are met, a new frame is requested. If the ticker has not
     * been started, but autoStart is `true`, then the ticker starts now,
     * and continues with the previous conditions to request a new frame.
     * @private
        if (this.started)
        else if (this.autoStart)

     * Register a handler for tick events. Calls continuously unless
     * it is removed or the ticker is stopped.
     * @param {Function} fn - The listener function to be added for updates
     * @param {Function} [context] - The listener context
     * @param {number} [priority=PIXI.UPDATE_PRIORITY.NORMAL] - The priority for emitting
     * @returns {PIXI.ticker.Ticker} This instance of a ticker
    add(fn, context, priority = UPDATE_PRIORITY.NORMAL)
        return this._addListener(new TickerListener(fn, context, priority));

     * Add a handler for the tick event which is only execute once.
     * @param {Function} fn - The listener function to be added for one update
     * @param {Function} [context] - The listener context
     * @param {number} [priority=PIXI.UPDATE_PRIORITY.NORMAL] - The priority for emitting
     * @returns {PIXI.ticker.Ticker} This instance of a ticker
    addOnce(fn, context, priority = UPDATE_PRIORITY.NORMAL)
        return this._addListener(new TickerListener(fn, context, priority, true));

     * Internally adds the event handler so that it can be sorted by priority.
     * Priority allows certain handler (user, AnimatedSprite, Interaction) to be run
     * before the rendering.
     * @private
     * @param {TickerListener} listener - Current listener being added.
     * @returns {PIXI.ticker.Ticker} This instance of a ticker
        // For attaching to head
        let current =;
        let previous = this._head;

        // Add the first item
        if (!current)
            // Go from highest to lowest priority
            while (current)
                if (listener.priority > current.priority)
                previous = current;
                current =;

            // Not yet connected
            if (!listener.previous)


        return this;

     * Removes any handlers matching the function and context parameters.
     * If no handlers are left after removing, then it cancels the animation frame.
     * @param {Function} fn - The listener function to be removed
     * @param {Function} [context] - The listener context to be removed
     * @returns {PIXI.ticker.Ticker} This instance of a ticker
    remove(fn, context)
        let listener =;

        while (listener)
            // We found a match, lets remove it
            // no break to delete all possible matches
            // incase a listener was added 2+ times
            if (listener.match(fn, context))
                listener = listener.destroy();
                listener =;

        if (!

        return this;

     * Starts the ticker. If the ticker has listeners
     * a new animation frame is requested at this point.
        if (!this.started)
            this.started = true;

     * Stops the ticker. If the ticker has requested
     * an animation frame it is canceled at this point.
        if (this.started)
            this.started = false;

     * Destroy the ticker and don't use after this. Calling
     * this method removes all references to internal events.

        let listener =;

        while (listener)
            listener = listener.destroy(true);

        this._head = null;

     * Triggers an update. An update entails setting the
     * current {@link PIXI.ticker.Ticker#elapsedMS},
     * the current {@link PIXI.ticker.Ticker#deltaTime},
     * invoking all listeners with current deltaTime,
     * and then finally setting {@link PIXI.ticker.Ticker#lastTime}
     * with the value of currentTime that was provided.
     * This method will be called automatically by animation
     * frame callbacks if the ticker instance has been started
     * and listeners are added.
     * @param {number} [] - the current time of execution
    update(currentTime =
        let elapsedMS;

        // If the difference in time is zero or negative, we ignore most of the work done here.
        // If there is no valid difference, then should be no reason to let anyone know about it.
        // A zero delta, is exactly that, nothing should update.
        // The difference in time can be negative, and no this does not mean time traveling.
        // This can be the result of a race condition between when an animation frame is requested
        // on the current JavaScript engine event loop, and when the ticker's start method is invoked
        // (which invokes the internal _requestIfNeeded method). If a frame is requested before
        // _requestIfNeeded is invoked, then the callback for the animation frame the ticker requests,
        // can receive a time argument that can be less than the lastTime value that was set within
        // _requestIfNeeded. This difference is in microseconds, but this is enough to cause problems.
        // This check covers this browser engine timing issue, as well as if consumers pass an invalid
        // currentTime value. This may happen if consumers opt-out of the autoStart, and update themselves.

        if (currentTime > this.lastTime)
            // Save uncapped elapsedMS for measurement
            elapsedMS = this.elapsedMS = currentTime - this.lastTime;

            // cap the milliseconds elapsed used for deltaTime
            if (elapsedMS > this._maxElapsedMS)
                elapsedMS = this._maxElapsedMS;

            this.deltaTime = elapsedMS * settings.TARGET_FPMS * this.speed;

            // Cache a local reference, in-case ticker is destroyed
            // during the emit, we can still check for
            const head = this._head;

            // Invoke listeners added to internal emitter
            let listener =;

            while (listener)
                listener = listener.emit(this.deltaTime);

            if (!
            this.deltaTime = this.elapsedMS = 0;

        this.lastTime = currentTime;

     * The frames per second at which this ticker is running.
     * The default is approximately 60 in most modern browsers.
     * **Note:** This does not factor in the value of
     * {@link PIXI.ticker.Ticker#speed}, which is specific
     * to scaling {@link PIXI.ticker.Ticker#deltaTime}.
     * @member {number}
     * @readonly
    get FPS()
        return 1000 / this.elapsedMS;

     * Manages the maximum amount of milliseconds allowed to
     * elapse between invoking {@link PIXI.ticker.Ticker#update}.
     * This value is used to cap {@link PIXI.ticker.Ticker#deltaTime},
     * but does not effect the measured value of {@link PIXI.ticker.Ticker#FPS}.
     * When setting this property it is clamped to a value between
     * `0` and `PIXI.settings.TARGET_FPMS * 1000`.
     * @member {number}
     * @default 10
    get minFPS()
        return 1000 / this._maxElapsedMS;

    set minFPS(fps) // eslint-disable-line require-jsdoc
        // Clamp: 0 to TARGET_FPMS
        const minFPMS = Math.min(Math.max(0, fps) / 1000, settings.TARGET_FPMS);

        this._maxElapsedMS = 1 / minFPMS;