kernel.h 文件参考
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <aos/osal_debug.h>



struct  aos_workqueue_t
struct  aos_spinlock_t


#define AOS_WAIT_FOREVER   0xffffffffu
#define AOS_NO_WAIT   0x0
#define AOS_DEFAULT_APP_PRI   32
#define AOS_EVENT_AND   0x02u
#define AOS_EVENT_AND_CLEAR   0x03u
#define AOS_EVENT_OR   0x00u
#define AOS_EVENT_OR_CLEAR   0x01u
#define AOS_TASK_NONE   0x0u
#define AOS_TASK_AUTORUN   0x01u
#define AOS_TIMER_NONE   0x0u
#define AOS_TIMER_AUTORUN   0x01u
#define AOS_TIMER_REPEAT   0x02u


typedef void * aos_hdl_t
typedef aos_hdl_t aos_task_t
typedef aos_hdl_t aos_mutex_t
typedef aos_hdl_t aos_sem_t
typedef aos_hdl_t aos_event_t
typedef aos_hdl_t aos_queue_t
typedef aos_hdl_t aos_timer_t
typedef aos_hdl_t aos_work_t
typedef uint32_t aos_task_key_t
typedef int32_t aos_status_t
typedef long aos_irqsave_t


aos_status_t aos_task_create (aos_task_t *task, const char *name, void(*fn)(void *), void *arg, void *stack_buf, size_t stack_size, int32_t prio, uint32_t options)
aos_status_t aos_task_suspend (aos_task_t *task)
aos_status_t aos_task_resume (aos_task_t *task)
void aos_task_exit (int32_t code)
aos_status_t aos_task_delete (aos_task_t *task)
aos_status_t aos_task_yield (void)
aos_status_t aos_task_name_get (aos_task_t *task, char *buf, size_t buf_size)
aos_task_t aos_task_self (void)
aos_status_t aos_task_key_create (aos_task_key_t *key)
void aos_task_key_delete (aos_task_key_t key)
aos_status_t aos_task_setspecific (aos_task_key_t key, void *vp)
void * aos_task_getspecific (aos_task_key_t key)
aos_status_t aos_mutex_create (aos_mutex_t *mutex, uint32_t options)
void aos_mutex_free (aos_mutex_t *mutex)
aos_status_t aos_mutex_lock (aos_mutex_t *mutex, uint32_t timeout)
aos_status_t aos_mutex_unlock (aos_mutex_t *mutex)
aos_status_t aos_sem_create (aos_sem_t *sem, uint32_t count, uint32_t options)
void aos_sem_free (aos_sem_t *sem)
aos_status_t aos_sem_wait (aos_sem_t *sem, uint32_t timeout)
void aos_sem_signal (aos_sem_t *sem)
void aos_sem_signal_all (aos_sem_t *sem)
aos_status_t aos_event_create (aos_event_t *event, uint32_t value, uint32_t options)
void aos_event_free (aos_event_t *event)
aos_status_t aos_event_get (aos_event_t *event, uint32_t value, uint32_t opt, uint32_t *actl_value, uint32_t timeout)
aos_status_t aos_event_set (aos_event_t *event, uint32_t value, uint32_t opt)
aos_status_t aos_queue_create (aos_queue_t *queue, size_t size, size_t max_msg, uint32_t options)
void aos_queue_free (aos_queue_t *queue)
aos_status_t aos_queue_send (aos_queue_t *queue, void *msg, size_t size)
aos_status_t aos_queue_recv (aos_queue_t *queue, uint32_t ms, void *msg, size_t *size)
aos_status_t aos_queue_get_count (aos_queue_t *queue)
aos_status_t aos_timer_create (aos_timer_t *timer, void(*fn)(void *, void *), void *arg, uint32_t ms, uint32_t options)
void aos_timer_free (aos_timer_t *timer)
aos_status_t aos_timer_start (aos_timer_t *timer)
aos_status_t aos_timer_stop (aos_timer_t *timer)
aos_status_t aos_timer_change (aos_timer_t *timer, uint32_t ms)
aos_status_t aos_timer_change_once (aos_timer_t *timer, uint32_t ms)
bool aos_timer_is_valid (aos_timer_t *timer)
aos_status_t aos_workqueue_create (aos_workqueue_t *workqueue, const char *name, int32_t prio, void *stack_buffer, size_t stack_size)
void aos_workqueue_del (aos_workqueue_t *workqueue)
aos_status_t aos_work_init (aos_work_t *work, void(*fn)(void *), void *arg, int dly)
void aos_work_destroy (aos_work_t *work)
aos_status_t aos_work_run (aos_workqueue_t *workqueue, aos_work_t *work)
aos_status_t aos_work_sched (aos_work_t *work)
aos_status_t aos_work_cancel (aos_work_t *work)
void aos_spin_lock_init (aos_spinlock_t *spinlock)
void aos_spin_lock (aos_spinlock_t *spinlock)
void aos_spin_unlock (aos_spinlock_t *spinlock)
aos_irqsave_t aos_spin_lock_irqsave (aos_spinlock_t *spinlock)
void aos_spin_unlock_irqrestore (aos_spinlock_t *spinlock, aos_irqsave_t flag)
void * aos_realloc (void *mem, size_t size)
void * aos_malloc (size_t size)
void * aos_calloc (size_t nitems, size_t size)
void * aos_zalloc (size_t size)
void aos_alloc_trace (void *addr, uintptr_t allocator)
void aos_free (void *mem)
void aos_calendar_time_set (uint64_t now_ms)
uint64_t aos_calendar_time_get (void)
uint64_t aos_calendar_localtime_get (void)
uint64_t aos_now (void)
uint64_t aos_now_ms (void)
aos_status_t aos_now_time_str (char *buffer, size_t len)
 Retrieves the timer string. Under RTOS w/o RTC, this fucntion will return the UTC time string that consider boot-up as 01-01 00:00:00.000. Under Linuxhost and compile option "vall=posix", this function will get the local time which considering time zone. 更多...
void aos_msleep (uint32_t ms)
void aos_srand (uint32_t seed)
int32_t aos_rand (void)
void aos_reboot (void)
int32_t aos_get_hz (void)
aos_status_t aos_version_str_get (char *buf, size_t len)
void aos_init (void)
void aos_start (void)
aos_status_t aos_task_new (const char *name, void(*fn)(void *), void *arg, size_t stack_size)
aos_status_t aos_task_new_ext (aos_task_t *task, const char *name, void(*fn)(void *), void *arg, size_t stack_size, int32_t prio)
aos_status_t aos_mutex_new (aos_mutex_t *mutex)
bool aos_mutex_is_valid (aos_mutex_t *mutex)
aos_status_t aos_sem_new (aos_sem_t *sem, uint32_t count)
bool aos_sem_is_valid (aos_sem_t *sem)
aos_status_t aos_event_new (aos_event_t *event, uint32_t value)
bool aos_event_is_valid (aos_event_t *event)
aos_status_t aos_queue_new (aos_queue_t *queue, void *buf, size_t size, size_t max_msg)
bool aos_queue_is_valid (aos_queue_t *queue)
void * aos_queue_buf_ptr (aos_queue_t *queue)
aos_status_t aos_timer_new (aos_timer_t *timer, void(*fn)(void *, void *), void *arg, uint32_t ms, bool repeat)
aos_status_t aos_timer_new_ext (aos_timer_t *timer, void(*fn)(void *, void *), void *arg, uint32_t ms, bool repeat, bool autorun)