iot 源代码

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阿里云物联网平台提供安全可靠的设备连接通信能力,支持设备数据采集上云,规则引擎流转数据和云端数据下发设备端。此外,也提供方便快捷的设备管理能力,支持物模型定义,数据结构化存储,和远程调试、监控、运维。 基于iot模块可以简单快速的使用阿里云物联网平台能力。

iot模块的主要实现是一个Device 类,通过它的构造函数获取device实例,就可以轻松设置相关回调函数和调用相关方法。阿里云物联网平台中涉及三个基本概念如下:

- 属性(prop)

- 事件(event)

- 服务(service)



[文档]class Device(object): """ 初始化物联网平台Device类,获取device实例 **入参** data类型是字典,字典的key信息如下 - deviceName : 物联网平台上注册的设备名称,必选 - deviceSecret : 物联网平台上注册的设备秘钥,必选 - productKey : 物联网平台上注册的productKey,必选 - productSecret : 物联网平台上注册的productSecret,可选 - region : 默认值是cn-shanghai,可选 使用示例:: import iot productKey = "a1uTFk4xjko" productSecret = "xxxxxxx" deviceName = "mpy_001" deviceSecret = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" key_info = { 'region' : 'cn-shanghai' , 'productKey': productKey , 'deviceName': deviceName , 'deviceSecret': deviceSecret , 'productSecret': productSecret } device = iot.Device(key_info) """ def __init__(self,data): def __str_is_empty(value): if value is None or value == "": return True else: return False if not isinstance(data,dict): raise ValueError("Class Device init param must be dict") if not 'productKey' in data: raise ValueError('Device init : param must have key "productKey"') elif __str_is_empty(data['productKey']): raise ValueError("productKey wrong") if not 'deviceName' in data: raise ValueError('Device init : param must have key "deviceName"') elif __str_is_empty(data['deviceName']): raise ValueError("deviceName wrong") if not 'deviceSecret' in data: raise ValueError('Device init : param must have key "deviceSecret"') elif __str_is_empty(data['deviceSecret']): raise ValueError("deviceSecret wrong") if 'productSecret' in data: productSecret = data['productSecret'] else: productSecret = "" if 'region' in data: region = data['region'] else: region = "cn-shanghai" _lk.init(region,data['productKey'],data['deviceName'],data['deviceSecret'],productSecret) _lk.register_dyn_dev() # def publish(self): # pass # def subscribe(self): # pass # def unsubscribe(self): # pass
[文档] def on(self,event,callback): """ 通过这个函数,可以设置物联网平台各种事件的处理函数,函数接收两个参数分别是事件名称和事件处理函数 - 事件: 'connect' 当iot设备连接到物联网平台的时候触发connect 事件 事件处理函数示例:: def on_connect(): print('linkkit is connected') - 事件: 'disconnect' 当连接断开时,触发'disconnect'事件 事件处理函数示例:: def on_disconnect(): print('linkkit is disconnected') - 事件: 'props' 当iot云端下发属性设置时,触发props事件 事件处理函数示例:: def on_props(request): print('clound req data is %s' %(request)) - 事件: 'service' 当iot云端调用设备service时,触发service事件 事件处理函数示例:: def on_service(id,request): print('clound req id is %d , req is %s' %(id,request)) - 事件: 'error' 当设备跟iot平台通信过程中遇到错误时,触发error事件 事件处理函数示例:: def on_error(err): print('err msg is %s '%(err)) """ if not callable(callback): raise ValueError("the 2nd param of function on must be function") if (event == 'connect'): _lk.register_call_back(_lk.ON_CONNECT,callback) elif (event == 'disconnect'): _lk.register_call_back(_lk.ON_DISCONNECT,callback) elif (event == 'close'): _lk.register_call_back(_lk.ON_CLOSE,callback) elif (event == 'error'): _lk.register_call_back(_lk.ON_ERROR,callback) elif (event == 'props'): _lk.register_call_back(_lk.ON_PROPS,callback) elif (event == 'service'): _lk.register_call_back(_lk.ON_SERVICE,callback)
[文档] def connect(self): ''' 连接物联网平台连接函数,该函数是异步调用 ''' _lk.connect()
[文档] def postProps(self,data): """ 上报设备属性 **入参** data类型是字典,字典的key信息如下 - params : 必选,值是字典 使用示例:: data = { 'params': { 'test_prop' : 100 } } device.postProps(data) """ if not isinstance(data, dict): raise ValueError("postProps func param must be dict") if not 'params' in data: raise ValueError('data must have key: "params"') return _lk.post_property(ujson.dumps(data['params']))
[文档] def postEvent(self,data): """ 上报设备的事件 **入参** data类型是字典,字典的key信息如下 - params : 必选,值是字典 - id : 必选,事件名称,请参考物模型上定义的事件id 使用示例:: data = { 'id': 'EventTest' , 'params': { 'test_event' : 100 } } device.postEvent(data) """ if isinstance(data, dict): if not 'id' in data: raise ValueError('data must have key: "id"') if not 'params' in data: raise ValueError('data must have key: "params"') else: raise ValueError("postEvent func param must be dict") return _lk.post_event(data['id'],ujson.dumps(data['params']))
[文档] def close(self): ''' 关闭物联网设备节点,断开连接 ''' return _lk.close()
[文档] def do_yield(self,time): """ 激活物联网平台接收云端消息,并设置接收超时时间为:timeout, 单位是 ms.为了保证云端消息被接收到,执行了异步命令以后,需要循环执行这个方法,直到拿云端的返回 """ _lk.do_yield(time)
# def __register_callback(self): # _lk.register_call_back(1,self.__on_connect) # _lk.register_call_back(3,self.__on_disconnect) # _lk.register_call_back(5,self.__on_service_request) # _lk.register_call_back(7,self.__on_prop_set) # _lk.register_call_back(9,self.__on_thing_prop_post) # _lk.register_call_back(10,self.__on_thing_event_post) # class GateWay(object): # def addTopo(self): # pass # def getTopo(self): # pass # def removeTopo(self): # pass # def login(self): # pass # def logout(self): # pass # def regiestSubDevice(self): # pass # def register(): # pass